
Unit 2.2: Legislation relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children

Safeguarding legislations and guidelines

1. What does 'safeguarding' mean?

2. Identify the legislations that safeguard children.

Safeguarding policies and procedures

1. Identify 4 policies in your setting that safeguard and protect children's welfare.

2. How can you find out about the setting's policies and procedures?

Where are they stored?
Have you read them and understand them?
Do you have access to them?
Why is it important to have them?

3. Describe step-by-step procedure for reporting a missing child in the nursery

Types of abuse

1.Name 3 different types of abuse and identify the signs and symptoms for each one.

2. What do you do when a a child tells you that he/she is being abused?
Describe step-by-step procedure for the disclosure policy.

Rights of children & parents

1. Identify the rights of children in cases of alleged abuse or harm

2. What are the rights of parents in cases of alleged abuse or harm to their child