This site is especially designed to support classroom learning and help students with their assignments. All the material is carefully selected and organised with the view to learn any subject in an easy and concise manner that is fun and effective at the same time.

Links to:

Early years development:

Quality Education in Early Years

Early Years Foundation Stage

Children and Families

Birth to 5 years development timeline


Safeguarding Children

Working together to safeguard children

Child Abuse claims

Child Abuse

Abused children in Belfast care homes

Health & safety

Health and Safety in early years setting

Sleeping Guide

Helping your baby to sleep - NHS

Good Night Guide For Children


Infectious illnesses in children / NHS

Skin rashes in babies - NHS

Food allergy

Food intolerance


The Eatwell Guide

Healthy meals - NHS

Early Years - Children's Food Trust

Breast feeding and introducing solids:

Benefits of breast feeding - NHS

How to breastfeed - NHS

Your baby's first solid food Baby's first solid food

Attachment theories:

Bonding with your baby

Bonding with your baby

Understanding essential bonding

Children's attachment Theory and how to use it

Case studies:

Genie (feral child)