Health and well-being


Nutritional guidance for early years

Healthy meals

Food allergy

Food intolerance


Children and physical activity

Start for life - Baby moves

Physical activity guideline for children Exercise for kids



Attachment theories

Film clip: John Bowlby

Childhood illnesses:

Infectious illnesses in children

Childhood vaccination timeline

Child development time line:

Child development

Special needs - communication

What is Makaton

Makaton for children

Helping babies learn to talk

Legislations, frameworks and professional practice


Legislations protecting children



Revised EYFS 2017

Quality Education in Early Years

Early Years Foundation Stage

Children and Families


Safeguarding Children

Working together to safeguard children

Working with disabled and young children & partnership:

Preventing child abuse

Female genital mutilation

Horror-genital mutilation

Girl beaten to death by two women

Wicked mother and lover killed daughter

Little Hamzah starved and mumified

Health & safety

Health and Safety in early years setting

Play, development and learning for school readiness

Play England

Importance of play

Why play is important

Being ready for school

Case studies:

Genie (feral child)

Case studies: safeguarding

Vanessa George: from angel to paedophile

Child abuse in Blackburn

Child abuse cases linked to twisted beliefs in witchcraft

Story of baby Peter

Baby P's death

Baby Peter

Victoria Climbie

Murder of Victoria Climbie

Female Genital Mutilation

Honour killing of wife

Honour killing of teenager

honour killing

Forced arranged marriage

Sexual child abuse scandal

Internet abuse

Cyber abuse Cyber bullying