This site is especially designed to support classroom learning and help students with their assignments. All the material is carefully selected and organised with the view to learn the subject in an easy and concise manner that is fun and effective at the same time.

The quiz is designed to check learning and reinforce learning for both level 2 and level 3 learners.


SHC 21: Communication

SHC 22: Personal development

SHC 23: Equality and diversity

TDA 2.1 Child Development

TDA 2.1 Factors affecting child development

TDA 2.1 Transitions

CCLD MU2.2: Transitions and observation methods

TDA 2.2: Safeguarding

TDA 2.7: Supporting relationships

TDA 2.9: Positive behaviour

TDA 2.14: Healthy diet

MU 2.4: Health and safety

MU 2.9: Working in partnership