CYP Core 3.2 : Promote child and young person development

Level 3 Children & Young People's Workforce

When practitioners are assessing children's development, it is important to consider some factors such as children's age, ability, personality, their physical well-being, sensory impairment, culture and language.

  • Disability

  • Ethnicity / culture/ language

  • Children's wishes and feelings

  • Confidentiality

  • Reliability of information

Areas of development

Areas of development Description Activities to promote development
Physical Fine and gross motor skills movement, balance and coordination. Threading beads, using scissors, painting, doing jigsaw puzzle

Kicking a ball, jumping, climbing, throwing a ball
Communication Speaking and listening
Reading and writing
understanding and responding
nursery rhymes, singing songs, using puppets to promote speech and respond to questions,learning to write own name, asking or answering questions
Intellectual Problem solving
numeracy, literacy
learning the alphabet, reading nursery tales, playing board games: snakes and ladders, ludo, counting 1-10,

Doing jigsaw puzzles
Social, emotional and behavioural Interacting with others
Making friends
Taking turns
Displaying feelings
Engaing in pretend play, singing nursery rhymes together, dancing, painting or drawing, playing games in groups
Moral Knowing right and wrong

understanding acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
Giving verbal praise, sticker or stars for good behaviour

Using sanctions to discourage bad behaviour e.g time out Reading stories that portray positive behaviour and negative behaviour

Observational Methods

Method Description Example
Narrative or descriptive Writing everything you see in detail. The data is factual.

Recording information continuously for half an hour or one hour.
Observing child playing with toys or playing with other children.

Recording what they say and how they respond to others.
Check list Pre-prepared list of skills or competencies that a child can do.

Suitable for checking physical development.
Threading beads
Drawing with crayons or pencil
Completing a 10 piece jigsaw puzzle
Cutting out shapes with scissors

Catching a ball
Climbing a frame
Riding a bike
Time sample Chart format is used to record specific and selected information at chosen time intervals. Frequency of playing with certain toys. Observing children's mood in the mornings or in the afternoons.
Observing social behaviour every 15 minutes for 1 hour.

Observing behaviour at different play locations in the nursery:
every 10 minutes for one hour.
Observing behaviour at lunch time: every 5 minutes for half an hour.
Observing indoor or outdoor activities every 15 minutes over a period of 1 hour.
Event sample A chart format is used to record specific actions, incident or behaviour observed whenever it occurs. Observe aggressive behaviour such as spitting, biting or hitting other children.

Observe emotional behaviour such as crying or sulking.
Identify another method that is used in your setting Describe another method used in your setting

Can you give an example?

Understand how working practices can impact on the development of children and young people

Explain how own working practice can affect children and young people's development.

Explain how institutions, agencies and services can affect children and young people's development.


DFE (2014) Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

DFE (2014). Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage

DEF(2014). Early years (under 5s) foundation stage framework (EYFS)

DFE (2014) Keeping children safe in Out of hours provisions

DFE(2014) Early Years Outcomes

Parents - guide to EYFS (2014)

What to expect and when (2014)

The British Association for Early Childhood Education
(Supported by DFE)

Every Child Matters 2003)

Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11 Project (2003-2008)

DFE (2008) Effective Pre-School and Primary Education 3-11 Project (EPPE 3-11)

Parliament (2003) Every Child Matters

Tassoni et al (2010) Level 3 Diploma Children and Young People's
Workforce (Early Learning and Childcare). Pearson: Harlow Essex

Caroline Meggit et al (2011) CACHE Level 3 Children and Young People's
Workforce Diploma: Early Learning and Child Care.
Hodder Education: London